How things change

 Isn’t it strange how quickly things can change? Just last month, I published a blog post about my ten years here in Ireland so far. A few days after that, I was knocked out by the strongest infection I’ve had to deal with in recent years. 40°C Fever, heart rates and blood pressure through the roof, fever dreams, the works. Turns out that old injury I’d picked up in Munich had gotten infected. I’m only now coming around to a stage where I can really write again. The big question is: Should I? The world seems to be going to hell in a handbasket and pretty much everything I could write about just tends to aggravate me. Not that anyone would read it, the analytics for my blog are downright depressing at the moment. Honestly, it seems like the joy has gone from writing, though that might just be the medication I’m currently on. 

Still, I feel like I’m at a crossroads at the moment. My blogs have given me no small amount of joy over the decade that I’ve run them. Some of my posts have reached readership numbers that are simply off the charts. However, longform written content of the type that I like to write seems less and less popular in a time of YouTube or newer abominations such as. TikTok, the latter of which is having a massively detrimental effect on attention spans, not to mention reading comprehension. Jeez, barely 41, and I’m already beginning to sound like an old fart. Hope things don’t continue in that fashion.

The underlying issue remains however. The age of the blog seems to have passed, so what should I do with this particular blog? Is it worth keeping up the fight of pushing out and promoting articles, given that they will likely have a very small readership? Or should I cut my losses and give up here? I honestly don’t know. I’m not even sure whether I’m going to publish this post. Then again, isn’t this what blogs were originally for?


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