Samsung T7 Touch Portable SSD - The Ultimate Black Box?
When you’re as much of a digital native as I am, you’ll likely have accumulated a dizzying amount of files that you need to store somewhere. From photos, to scans of important documents like house rental contracts, to files for your latest and greatest project, video or blog article, to all of the Luther accoutrements that come with living in the digital age, you’ll likely have gigabytes of stuff lying around either on your computer’s drives or in a cloud storage service somewhere. I know that’s the situation that I found myself being confronted with a while ago and between this splintering and the fact that prices were beginning to rise even for said cloud services, I decided to finally consolidate all these files on a single external drive that I could take with me wherever I needed it. But which drive to use? I had several external HDDs lying around at home, but these were rather large and not really mobile enough for my purpose. I’d looked at SSDs before, but in the past, the relat