Leaving New York never easy, I saw the lights fading out - New York City Trip Part 4
I woke up on the fourth and final day of my trip to New York feeling like crap. That Humidity must have really taken its toll. Still, I gathered the rest of my crap together. My flight home was waiting for me at JFK this evening. On the plus side, I still had almost a whole day in the city, and I decided to make the most of it. As usual, I made my way down to the Hudson, having left my luggage at the reception desk. A last look at the North Cove Marina. Damn, I'm going to miss this place. Lots of traffic on the river today Hudson River Panorama, seen from the northern end of Battery Park City One of my last views of the Empire State Building What are ya lookin' at, eh? Can't one take a simple sand bath without being disturbed, or what? The Battle plan was similar to the preceding day. I dropped in at Macy's one more times, but the results weren't radically different to the day before. It was on to Madison Square Guarden, and another visit t