On Writer's Block
Writer’s block – If you’re a writer or content producer in any way, shape or form, you’ve experienced it at one point or another. I’ve certainly gotten very well acquainted with that bastard over the ten plus years that I’ve been blogging, chances are that any major gaps in the publication rhythm of my blogs are due to that annoying little bugger. To the uninitiated out there, it may seem like a minor issue, but if you’re a content producer in any way shape or form, it can be a real problem. Now granted, I’m not making any money on my blog, as Google Adsense simply doesn’t pay off at all unless you have massive viewership numbers, but I like seeing the number of views on my blog posts climb as much as the next guy, and the moment you are able to monetise your content, writer’s block can very easily lead to a loss of income, as your blog or YouTube channel will get downrated by the major search engine algorithms out there. So yes, it is a very real issue. But how do you get around it? H